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Få besøk av Elprints salgsteam og opplev hva vi kan gjøre for deg.
Du kan også få en demonstrasjon av vår unike software Macaos Enterprise. Send en e-mail til oss og book et møte eller ring på telefon 55 92 55 00.
A Gerber file for each layer (copper layers, solder mask, legend, etc).
All Gerber files must have the same origin, orientation, etc.
Images shall not be mirrored, scaled, or rotated.
Gerber files must be in “Extended Gerber” format, preferably in 6.6 MM format, with leading zero suppression and absolute coordinates.
We also recommend using Gerber X2 extensions. Drill (template) drawings are not needed.
Return to Files FormatsA Gerber file with the outer contour (profile) of the board. This may either be a filled polygon or thin line/arc segments.
If the profile is a filled polygon (Gerber region), then the file should not contain any other objects than the polygon. Cutouts, slots and scoring (v-cut), if any, must be in separate Gerber files.
If lines/arcs are used, they must be consecutive (end location of one segment is the start location of the next segment) and form a closed loop without gaps or overlap.
A file with lines/arcs may also contain lines/arcs for cutouts (which must form closed loops), slot centerlines (which must have the same line width as the slot), and/or scoring (v-cut).
Return to Files FormatsAn NC Drill (or Gerber) file for each drill depth (through holes, each blind hole depth, each buried hole span, etc).
NC Drill files should preferably be in XNC format, alternatively in Excellon format.
NC Drill files should include tool diameters. If not, then a tool list must be supplied for each NC Drill file.
Plated and unplated through holes should preferably be in the same file, but may be in separate files.
NC Drill files should preferably be in 3.3 METRIC format.
Return to Files FormatsAt the minimum, pick and place files should contain Designator, X and Y coordinates (preferably in mm), and Rotation.
We rcommend that they also include side (top/bottom) and component description.
Most formats are supported.
All Pick and Place components should also be listed in the Bill of Materials.
Return to Files FormatsThe Bill of Materials should preferably be in a spreadsheet (Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice or similar), with one component per row and component data (designator, manufacturer part number, manufacturer, description, value, etc) each in their own columns.
Component data should be as specific as possible.
Return to Files FormatsA text file specifying stackup, surface finish, solder mask color, legend (silkscreen) color, and any other requirements.
If no specification file is provided, then the quotation will be for a PCB with the following specifications:
If you require a stackup with specified distance between inner layers, or that has special material requirements, or the PCB is flexible, flex-rigid or metal-based, then a detailed stackup drawing must be supplied.
IPC-D-365 test pad file: Include this file if your system can generate a test pad file in IPC-D-356 format.
Gerber Job file: Include this file if your system can generate a Gerber Job file in .gbrjob format.
Return to Files FormatsPlacement or assembly drawings, preferably in PDF format
Return to Files Formats